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Evan Binkley (From Ohio, short term New Yorker, long term expat in Cheung Chau, Hong Kong) is a multi media story teller who shirks the clean, perfectionistic and tech based current trends and relishes hands on chaotic fraternizing with repurposed materials and implausibly functioning designs. He strives for the looseness of the margin doodle, while embellishing every free space with unexpected accoutrements. These days he primarily makes instruments marginally defined as ukuleles, turns hand drawings into animation, and tells empathetic and often humorous tales of the characters he meets in his daily life using poetry, paint, and song.

冰藝雲 (出生於美國俄亥俄州, 曾短暫在紐約發展, 現正長居於香港長洲) 是個多媒體藝術家。 他摒棄以科技主導、 乾淨俐落、 完美無誤的潮流, 偏愛於用雙手以舊有物料拼砌出狂野的東西, 製作品看起來似沒有實際用途, 但實際上是有功能的。 繪畫時盡量隨意, 同時注重在每處空白位置加上意想不到的所需陪襯。近期他主要的活動和製作有: 手作夏威夷小結他、 將手繪圖畫變成動畫, 並把日常生活中遇到引人共鳴又多屬有趣的故事化成詩、 畫和歌曲。