Hong Kong Really Really Free Market (HKRRFM) aims to counteract capitalism in a proactive way by building a community based on sharing resources, caring for one another and improving the collective lives of all. The group has started from 2010 and has held various events and workshops all over Hong Kong. Apart from free stuff, free service, free stage, free café, free rice-ball, free speed-dating…etc. will be organized depending on the space available.

 Hong Kong Really Really Free Market(HKRRFM)中文譯名為「任睇任擺任攞」,一個不求任何回報、不牽涉任何金錢或物質上的交易,歡迎任何人士自由參加的活動。其實除了免費物品,還有分享壹技之長的Free Service,例如占蔔、剪髮、按摩等。根據場地或活動需要,還有free service, free stage, free café, free rice-ball, free speed-dating等等!