my cycle diary ~ Gary Ng

When I was small, I used to follow my parents around on my bicycle everyday, watching every sunset by the sea on Cheung Chau island, where I grew up. Those were some of my happiest memories, but as I took wings from my parents, they too faded away. In 2017, my son was born. I started to look at things from a father’s point of view. I went back to where I grew up with my camera. What I saw was not just landscapes or places, but memories and stories of fatherhood, family and the land. my cycle diary refers not just to personal cycling memories, but it is also a life cycle story. It's time, ageing, a journey. It took 35 years for me to become a father. But It's just like taking a ferry from cheung chau to HK, and looking back to Cheung Chau...

年幼時,我每天都跟父母踏單車, 於長洲海傍享受每個日落,這是我一生中最美好的時光。可是當我慢慢離開父母時,這些記憶亦漸漸被遺忘。2017 年,我得了一子,他教我以父親的視角看事物。我拿著相機重訪我成長的地方,看見的不只是地景或地方,而是一堆堆回憶、父子、家庭與土地間的故事。

My cycle diary 不只是私密的回憶,還是一個關於生生不息的故事。我在35歲那年成為了父親,這就像由長洲乘渡輪到中環,再回望那小島一樣,是時間、老去及旅程。

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Gary Ng is an independent photographer based in Hong Kong. He had an apprenticeship with Ben Lifson and Paola Ferrario. His works has been exhibited in Three Shadows Photography Arts Centre, State Gallery of Art - Hyderabad (Indian Photography Festival), Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Black Box Gallery, Kieran Gallery, Phroom Magazine & F-stop Magazine. Also, he has recently published the book "1+1=3", "a trilogy: faith, hope, love", "so strange, so familiar".

香港土生土長獨立攝影師,喜歡從日常生活細節中探索自我,並以攝影把內心世界紀錄下來。作品曾入圍三影堂攝影獎,並於香港、北京、印度、美國、英國及匈牙利展出。攝影集有《my cycle diary》及《1+1=3》。

This body of work is represented by Cheung Chau Wave, contact here if you are interested in purchasing a Fine Art Limited Edition Print and wish to receive his Artist Catalogue.

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