ADRIATIC NOSTALGIA ~ Tomislav Marcijuš

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 23,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 23,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 05,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 05,” Croatia, 2020

In just a few months, the whole world has changed, and the people too. Coronavirus deleted almost all plans that affected various business sectors, including Croatian tourism. The closed borders were the beginning of worries that called into question the tourist season in Croatia. No one was ready for this scenario. Our people make up only 12% of total tourism. The drop in traffic is up to 70%. Various topics in the healthcare system and politics are touched and they are trying to find solutions to the coming crisis. My photography profession is under attack along with many other activities. We have the opportunity to show a new world, it cannot be taken away from us. The camera is always with us. We are always ready to go very far for the quality cadre.

"The world will no longer be the same place!" - a sentence with which this year started. With a series of photographs, I show the feeling of empty space and examine the feelings of the past and the present in almost the same places on the Adriatic coast. I imagine a sense of carefree-ness and joy in 1998 as I sit on the pier, completely alienated. 22 years later.

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 42,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 42,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 02,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 02,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 03,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 03,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 46,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 46,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 35,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 35,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 38,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 38,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 39,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 39,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 10,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 10,” Croatia, 2020

“在短短幾個月內,整個世界發生了變化,人民也發生了變化。冠狀病毒刪除了幾乎所有影響包括克羅地亞旅遊業在內的各個商業領域的計劃。封閉的邊界是人們開始擔憂的開始,這使克羅地亞的旅遊旺季受到質疑 。沒有人願意為這種情況做準備,我們的人僅佔旅遊總數的12%,交通量下降了70%,醫療保健系統和政治領域的各個主題都受到影響,他們正在努力尋找解決方案 危機,我的攝影專業受到許多其他活動的襲擊,我們有機會向人們展示一個新世界,不能把它帶離我們。相機永遠伴隨著我們。我們始終準備為追求更高的質量而努力 幹部:““世界將不再是同一個地方!””-今年開始的句子。用一系列照片,我表現出空虛的感覺,幾乎回顧了過去和現在的感覺。 相同的地方 在亞得里亞海海岸。 當我坐在碼頭上時,我想像著1998年的無憂無慮和快樂的感覺,完全疏遠了。 22年後。”

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 01,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 01,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 26,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 26,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 13,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 13,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 43,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 43,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 21,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 21,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 44,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 44,” Croatia, 2020



International awarded contemporary photographer based in Croatia. After graduation from the Architectural-Geodetic School, he began to experiment with film and analog cameras. He found himself in visual arts and turned his hobby into a business. After that, he launched his studio called Marcijuš Studio. Analog photography made it possible to discover his own style and apply it to various types of photography. Documentary and artistic approach is the way it photographs destination weddings, portraits, editorials, travels, personal and various commercial projects.

國際獎項和當代攝影師,駐克羅地亞。 在建築大地學校畢業後,他開始嘗試膠片和模擬相機。 他發現自己從事視覺藝術,並將業餘愛好變成了生意。 之後,他成立了自己的工作室MarcijušStudio。 模擬攝影可以發現自己的風格並將其應用於各種類型的攝影。 紀錄片和藝術方法是它拍攝目的地婚禮,肖像畫,社論,旅行,個人和各種商業項目的方式。

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my cycle diary ~ Gary Ng

When I was small, I used to follow my parents around on my bicycle everyday, watching every sunset by the sea on Cheung Chau island, where I grew up. Those were some of my happiest memories, but as I took wings from my parents, they too faded away. In 2017, my son was born. I started to look at things from a father’s point of view. I went back to where I grew up with my camera. What I saw was not just landscapes or places, but memories and stories of fatherhood, family and the land. my cycle diary refers not just to personal cycling memories, but it is also a life cycle story. It's time, ageing, a journey. It took 35 years for me to become a father. But It's just like taking a ferry from cheung chau to HK, and looking back to Cheung Chau...

年幼時,我每天都跟父母踏單車, 於長洲海傍享受每個日落,這是我一生中最美好的時光。可是當我慢慢離開父母時,這些記憶亦漸漸被遺忘。2017 年,我得了一子,他教我以父親的視角看事物。我拿著相機重訪我成長的地方,看見的不只是地景或地方,而是一堆堆回憶、父子、家庭與土地間的故事。

My cycle diary 不只是私密的回憶,還是一個關於生生不息的故事。我在35歲那年成為了父親,這就像由長洲乘渡輪到中環,再回望那小島一樣,是時間、老去及旅程。

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Gary Ng is an independent photographer based in Hong Kong. He had an apprenticeship with Ben Lifson and Paola Ferrario. His works has been exhibited in Three Shadows Photography Arts Centre, State Gallery of Art - Hyderabad (Indian Photography Festival), Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Black Box Gallery, Kieran Gallery, Phroom Magazine & F-stop Magazine. Also, he has recently published the book "1+1=3", "a trilogy: faith, hope, love", "so strange, so familiar".

香港土生土長獨立攝影師,喜歡從日常生活細節中探索自我,並以攝影把內心世界紀錄下來。作品曾入圍三影堂攝影獎,並於香港、北京、印度、美國、英國及匈牙利展出。攝影集有《my cycle diary》及《1+1=3》。

This body of work is represented by Cheung Chau Wave, contact here if you are interested in purchasing a Fine Art Limited Edition Print and wish to receive his Artist Catalogue.

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Three Poems by Yuan Mei ~ Preston Hartwick

(best viewed on mobile, on a boat)

This piece was born from the fury of a typhoon. After the seas calmed, it rested, until the winds of political change started whipping the crests of waves white once more. In unpredictable times, we can look back to old masters for guidance on how to weather each new storm as it comes.

此作品攝於颱風蹂躪之後。大海平靜下來, 稍歇一會,隨即又被政治風暴翻起滔滔白頭巨浪。在前景不明的日子裡,我們可以向古聖先賢學習應對之法, 讓我們在風波中仍能站穩腳跟。

Yuan Mei 袁枚 (1716–1797) was a Chinese painter and poet of the Qing Dynasty. His work was well-known for confronting moral norms of his time and contained strong undertones of anti-establishment themes, resulting in the censorship of some of his most popular writing. Following the currents of the ocean, political tides come and go, and we once again face similar storms that threaten to drown out dissenting voices.

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Preston Hartwick grew up in Hong Kong and you can often find him wandering the streets with a film camera, scavenging for scenes to add to his patchwork quilt of fading Hong Kong designs and architectural elements.

Preston Hartwick 在香港長大, 經常帶著菲林相機穿梭大街小巷, 攝下日漸消逝的本地設計和建築特色, 製成一幅<<百家照>>。

instagram @hong_kong_aesthetic

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