ARCHIPELAGO 2 ~ James Wolfe

The installation presents the appearance of a displaced cargo adrift on a sea of concrete. 

Metal barrels usually associated with the shipment of chemicals, emerge from the concrete to present a dystopian Zen garden in a post-industrial twilight.

ARCHIPELAGO 2 (detail)

Steel chemical barrels

Hong Kong, 2020


James Wolfe was born in London. On leaving school he worked as a printer and went on to study sculpture at Wimbledon school of art.

He lived in Paris and Glasgow before moving to Hong Kong in 2001. He has lived on Cheung Chau for 10 years, where he has a studio.

The work featured in Portal responds to issues stimulated by island life and our relationship to the environment

ADRIATIC NOSTALGIA ~ Tomislav Marcijuš

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 23,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 23,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 05,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 05,” Croatia, 2020

In just a few months, the whole world has changed, and the people too. Coronavirus deleted almost all plans that affected various business sectors, including Croatian tourism. The closed borders were the beginning of worries that called into question the tourist season in Croatia. No one was ready for this scenario. Our people make up only 12% of total tourism. The drop in traffic is up to 70%. Various topics in the healthcare system and politics are touched and they are trying to find solutions to the coming crisis. My photography profession is under attack along with many other activities. We have the opportunity to show a new world, it cannot be taken away from us. The camera is always with us. We are always ready to go very far for the quality cadre.

"The world will no longer be the same place!" - a sentence with which this year started. With a series of photographs, I show the feeling of empty space and examine the feelings of the past and the present in almost the same places on the Adriatic coast. I imagine a sense of carefree-ness and joy in 1998 as I sit on the pier, completely alienated. 22 years later.

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 42,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 42,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 02,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 02,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 03,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 03,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 46,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 46,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 35,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 35,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 38,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 38,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 39,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 39,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 10,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 10,” Croatia, 2020

“在短短幾個月內,整個世界發生了變化,人民也發生了變化。冠狀病毒刪除了幾乎所有影響包括克羅地亞旅遊業在內的各個商業領域的計劃。封閉的邊界是人們開始擔憂的開始,這使克羅地亞的旅遊旺季受到質疑 。沒有人願意為這種情況做準備,我們的人僅佔旅遊總數的12%,交通量下降了70%,醫療保健系統和政治領域的各個主題都受到影響,他們正在努力尋找解決方案 危機,我的攝影專業受到許多其他活動的襲擊,我們有機會向人們展示一個新世界,不能把它帶離我們。相機永遠伴隨著我們。我們始終準備為追求更高的質量而努力 幹部:““世界將不再是同一個地方!””-今年開始的句子。用一系列照片,我表現出空虛的感覺,幾乎回顧了過去和現在的感覺。 相同的地方 在亞得里亞海海岸。 當我坐在碼頭上時,我想像著1998年的無憂無慮和快樂的感覺,完全疏遠了。 22年後。”

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 01,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 01,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 26,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 26,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 13,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 13,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 43,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 43,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 21,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 21,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 44,” Croatia, 2020

Tomislav Marcijuš, “Adriatic Nostalgia 44,” Croatia, 2020



International awarded contemporary photographer based in Croatia. After graduation from the Architectural-Geodetic School, he began to experiment with film and analog cameras. He found himself in visual arts and turned his hobby into a business. After that, he launched his studio called Marcijuš Studio. Analog photography made it possible to discover his own style and apply it to various types of photography. Documentary and artistic approach is the way it photographs destination weddings, portraits, editorials, travels, personal and various commercial projects.

國際獎項和當代攝影師,駐克羅地亞。 在建築大地學校畢業後,他開始嘗試膠片和模擬相機。 他發現自己從事視覺藝術,並將業餘愛好變成了生意。 之後,他成立了自己的工作室MarcijušStudio。 模擬攝影可以發現自己的風格並將其應用於各種類型的攝影。 紀錄片和藝術方法是它拍攝目的地婚禮,肖像畫,社論,旅行,個人和各種商業項目的方式。

Contact here if you are interested in purchasing work by the artist and we will help connect you.

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Cheung Chau Transportation 長洲交通運輸 ~ Basil Hui

街渡海運 Kaito Shipping

長洲為香港南端小島,明代時期已是繁盛的漁村。乾隆末年間,長洲已是中國華南地區的「銷鹽子埠」,即一個海鹽的集散地;附近島嶼的漁鹽皆運到長洲出售,海上貨運繁盛。嘉慶二十四年 (公曆1819年) ,長洲正式成為墟市被編入史册;與元朗墟、石湖墟、大埔墟等,同是香港開埠前 (公曆1842年) 的重要墟市。

Cheung Chau is a small island at the southern end of Hong Kong, and it was already a prosperous fishing village since Ming Dynasty. In the late Qianlong period, Cheung Chau was a "sales salt port" in southern China, that is, a distribution center for sea salt. Fishing salt from nearby islands was transported to Cheung Chau for sale, and sea freight business was prosperous. In the twenty-fourth year of Jiaqing Emperor (1819), Cheung Chau officially became a market and was included in the annals of history, together with Yuen Long Market, Shek Wu Market, and Tai Po Market, it was also an important market before the opening of Hong Kong (in 1842). 



Since fishing salt has always been an important economic pillar of Cheung Chau, there were many boats in Cheung Chau Bay at that time. There were many kaitos traveling along the coast of South China; such as Yitai Andu, Gongchangdu, Renhe Taidu, etc., which mainly transported grain, oil and salt. Service.

同治初年,清廷曾在島上設立關稅站,除肩負緝私課餉之責,亦監視被英人佔領的香港九龍的船艦進出。當時官府除運兵船外,還有海關船、抽厘船 (收税船)、緝私船、銅底船等進出巡視長洲。

In the early years of Tongzhi, the Qing government set up a customs station on the island. Apart from anti-smuggling class, it also monitor the entry and exit of ships in Kowloon, Hong Kong, occupied by the British. At that time, in addition to the troop transport ships, the government also had customs ships, tax-collecting ships, anti-smuggling ships, and copper-bottom ships patrol to Cheung Chau.


By the end of the 19th century, Cheung Chau had four kaitos, namely Tongan, Anshun, Charity, and Yitai, traveling Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou and the coastal areas of Guangdong. Among them, there are two Kaito boats with two regular sailing daily between Cheung Chau and Sai Ying Pun on Hong Kong Island. The journey takes about three hours.


On June 9, 1898, Qing Dynasty and the United Kingdom signed the "Exhibition and Extension of the Hong Kong Boundary Site", Cheung Chau was managed by the British. Since Cheung Chau is located in important spot between Macau and Hong Kong, and not far from Guangzhou, Humen and other cities, Cheung Chau Bay is full of boats.


據當時一位英國特委專員Stewart Lockhart於1898年10月撰寫的報告描述:「長洲是一個繁忙的地方,很多來往香港和澳門之間的蒸汽船,艇和帆船也會在長洲停留。」二十世紀初,已有蒸汽船來往港澳兩地,中途停在長洲上落客貨後,才繼續航程。而當時停泊的碼頭,就在現時北角咀附近。

According to a report written by the British Special Commissioner Stewart Lockhart in October 1898, “Cheung Chau is a busy port. Many boats travel among Macau and Hong Kong will also stop at Cheung Chau, includes steam ships, boats and sailing boats”. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there were steamboats travelling between Hong Kong and Macau, stopping at Cheung Chau to pick up and drop off passengers and cargo before continuing the voyage. The pier anchored at that time was near the current Pak Kok Tsui.

1898 年到訪長洲的英國戰艦 1898 British battleship visited in Cheung Chau

1898 年到訪長洲的英國戰艦 1898 British battleship visited in Cheung Chau

1950 年代前帆船 Sailing Boat in 1950

1950 年代前帆船 Sailing Boat in 1950


From the beginning of the twentieth century to the 1940s, kaito ran daily between Cheung Chau and Hong Kong Island, there were dedicated passenger ferries operating on Hong Kong Island, kaito gradually changed from both passenger and cargo to specialized cargo transportation route. At that time, the Kaito Wharf was located at the current public wharf. After the war, Cheung Chau had two main kaito operators, named Cheung Lee and Xing Yi, specializing in transporting cargo from Sai Ying Pun to Cheung Chau. They sail from Cheung Chau at 3 am daily and arrive at Sai Wan at 5 am. There are also Dali Kaito and some cargo boats carrying cargo to and from Hong Kong Island.


Since 1970s, Cheung Chau had two Kaito operators Chang An and Public operates daily between Cheung Chau and Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon and Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. Aside of Kaito, there are also two cargo boats that carry daily necessities to Cheung Chau, the current cargo boats are Zhida and Deli.


Cheung Chau is a prosperous fishing village, apart for living boats; inevitably there are boats or kaitos that carry people and cargo shuttle between fishing boats or islands. In the past, passenger boats mostly human rowed and berthed at the main ferry of Cheung Chau Bay. In last century 60s and 70s, with the use of machinery, passenger boats gradually used motor propulsion; the speed of the boat is faster, and the voyage journey also shorter than before. There are also small passenger kaito to operate between the public dock and nearby bays.



In addition to carrying more fish, cargo boats can also use to deliver the fish to fishing ports on their return journey. Now, kaito is also use in garbage transportation.

渡海小輪 Ferry


At the beginning of the twentieth century, Cheung Chau water transportation has extended in all directions. Steam boats travelling to and from the China provinces, Hong Kong and Macau all passed through Cheung Chau on many routes, Cheung Chau was regarded as a midway supply station. At that time, in addition to kaito traveling everywhere, there were also local resident operated steam-propelled "fire boats" running to and from Hong Kong Island. The uncovered pier was located in Cheung Chau Bay, south of the current ferry pier facing the pier main street.

1910年代蒸氣推動載人到香港的「火船仔」Steam-propelled "fire boats" in 1910s

1910年代蒸氣推動載人到香港的「火船仔」Steam-propelled "fire boats" in 1910s


In the 1930s, the New Territories Ferry Company had three “fire boat” rides between Cheung Chau and Hong Kong every day, respectively 6 am, 1 pm and 5:30 pm. The “fire boat” launched in 1929 and named "Xinzhou Ferry", 120 feet long and 23.5 feet wide. The Xinzhou ferry is two stories ferry, the upper deck carries passengers, while the lower deck serves both passenger and cargo. The “fire boat” can carry up to 300 passengers and equipped with electric lights and lifesaving equipment, which was quite advance facility at the time. In the old days of Cheung Chau Pier, some people played gongs on the street to remind passengers on board to the ship. Usually the "1st gong" will be played slowly, the "2nd gong" will speed up the rhythm and frequency, and the "Last gong" will speed up again, which is very distinctive.


On 7 November 1938, the Yau Ma Tei Ferry Company took over the Cheung Chau Line, and increased daily frequency from three to five. However, the schedule was unstable in the 1940s, and it was temporarily suspended during the Japanese occupation. In the 1940s, there were 4 daily ferries running between Cheung Chau and Hong Kong: 3 am, 7:45 am, 4 pm and 6:45 pm. There are also four sails from Hong Kong back to Cheung Chau every day. There are an additional sail at 9.30pm on Sunday. Four sails a day at 6am, 2pm, 5:30 and 8pm. The voyage is about 1:10, first class fare at three and a half cents, second class fare at two cents.


By the 1950s, the Yau Ma Tei Ferry Company had five direct schedules daily travel between Cheung Chau and Hong Kong. Later, it was extended to four return route via Mui Wo and Peng Chau to Hong Kong Island, additional sails would be operated on holidays. The direct voyage time is usually one hour, the return voyage time is one and a half hour. The pier at the time was the United Pier on Hong Kong Island. 

The 1970s and 1980s was the golden age of the Yau Ma Tei Ferry. At that time, it substantially increased daily ferry schedule s, and upgraded the two-story ferry to three-story ferry. Later, hydrofoil and hovercraft were also added, and much improved the travel time between Hong Kong and Island.

不過隨著海底隧道及地鐵等交通投入服務,渡輪業前景每況愈下;最終油麻地小輪於2000年結束長洲航線,改由新世界第一渡輪公司(新渡輪)接管。政府為確保渡輪公司可正常運作,每期 (三年)都有一筆特别協助措施的保助金資助渡輪公司。

With the commissioning of transportation, such as the Cross-Harbour tunnel and MTR, the ferry industry prospects are deteriorating. The Yau Ma Tei Ferry has ended the Cheung Chau route in 2000 and was taken over by New World First Ferry Company (NWFF). To ensure the normal operation of the ferry company, the government has a special assistance scheme to subsidize the ferry company every period (three years). 


In addition, under the long-term request of the residents of Cheung Chau and Aberdeen, another new route from Cheung Chau to Aberdeen operated by Tsui Wah Shipping (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. also set in service on August 8, 2015. The journey takes about one hour, there are seven sailings a day, and several additional schedules are operate on holidays to facilitate residents and passengers. However, due to low passenger usage capacity, Cheung Chau to Aberdeen route is closed in end 2019.

新世界渡輪船隊 New World First Ferry fleets


At present, New World First Ferry is the only company that provides ferry transportation between Cheung Chau and Hong Kong. It’s now provides more than 40 ordinary and fast ferry sailings a day, NWFF also operates Inter-Island ferry services among Cheung Chau, Chi Ma Wan, Mui Wo Lantau and Peng Chau.

橫水渡穿梭長洲, 芝麻灣, 梅窩, 坪洲 

Inter-Island ferry services among Cheung Chau, Chi Ma Wan, Mui Wo Lantau and Peng Chau.

basil portrait.jpg

Hui Fai Ching Basil moved to Cheung Chau with his mother when he was young, and it has been more than 50 years. In recent years, he has focused on researching the history, culture and environmental conservation of Cheung Chau Island.


Facebook: Living Cheung Chau

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Cheung Chau Water Dialect 長洲水話 ~ Chantoneasy | Lism | Eco Cheung Chau

Did you know that the name ‘Hong Kong’ came from the Water Dialect 「水話 」, which used to be spoken by local fishermen, the “Tanka” or “on-water people” who lived along the coasts of Southern China for hundreds of years? Sarah Yip from Eco Cheung Chau / Floatudio is happy to share her collection of the fast disappearing Water Dialect vocabularies she has gathered through direct interviews with Tanka elders in Cheung Chau and other islands. You can learn to speak Water Dialect like a native, as well as the Cantonese equivalent, by simply following the Chantoneasy®️ method developed by Tiff Chan.

您知道「香港」英文名字的讀音是依據「水話」的嗎?「水話」是過去幾百年南中國沿海「蛋家」漁民,即「水上人」所說的話。Sarah Yip (Eco Cheung Chau / Floatudio ) 樂於和你分享她在過去幾年由親自訪問長洲及其他離島「蛋家」長輩搜集回來的僅存「水話」詞彙。憑Tiff Chan 陳曉蕾創立的Chantoneasy®️譯音系統,你定能輕易準確的講「水話」及同義的廣東話。

Recorded in 2017 by Tiff Chan and Sarah Yip, you hear Cheung Chau residents speaking Tanka phrases.

Through a few interviews and conversations with first, second and third generation fishermen families living in Cheung Chau, Chantoneasy® supports Sarah Yip from Floatudio and to gather first-hand information on the particular words that can still be remembered by fewer and fewer people. The Water Dialect is spoken by the Tankas or boat people -  水上人"the people who live on the water" (officially named ‘on-water people’). Their families were fishermen, distinctly different from city dwellers, who they still call 街上人"the people who live on streets". 

水話 "Water Dialect" consists of specific words that are distinctly different, yet spoken in the context of Cantonese, most often to make references to their boats when giving orders (ie for orientation). It is hard to guess the meanings of their terminology – some are related to what they are referring to in Cantonese, but most only translate by sound (‘homonyms’) and not by meaning. 

This project reveals the roots of why 'Hong Kong' was spelled this way, despite modern pronunciation 'hœng gong'. It is how "the people who live on the water" still pronounce it today. It is likely that they have been in Hong Kong far earlier than the Han Cantonese. Perhaps there was a time when they spoke a much purer version of Water Dialect without as many recognizable Cantonese words.

This information does not do justice to the legacy of ‘on-water people’ in Hong Kong’s history. Here’s your chance to keep the Water Dialect alive, by respecting their place in forming a part of Hong Kong as we know it today. Surprise the fishermen next time you’re taking a sampan ride or buying fresh produce from them! 

透過跟長洲漁民、第二代 及第三代家庭進行訪問及交談,我們採集了現在越來越少人記得及運用的水上話。「水上人」意指居住在水上的人;而「街上人」則意指離開漁船移居到陸地上生活的漁民。


這個啟發性的活動亦令我們發現了原來香港的英文名稱 Hong Kong 正正就是水話(蜑家話)發音的音譯。 水上人一直以來用「糠港」 稱呼這塊土地,他們到現在亦不察覺讀音其實和香港人廣東話不一樣。 

 Going from being an office lady in Central to being a junk boat captain, Sarah Yip defines working at sea as one of the hardest and most dangerous jobs ever. Photo courtesy of Sarah Yip

 Mrs. Leung has been a sampan driver in Cheung Chau waters for the past 30 years. She has recently been raising a black kitten to help her chase rats away. Photo courtesy of Sarah Yip

Workshop Profile.jpg

A chance encounter teaching Cantonese to a friend in 2015 set off a chain of eureka moments that sparked artist, natural linguist, educator, and expressive arts therapist Tiff Chan’s multidisciplinary creativity to give birth to Chantoneasy®, a highly intuitive method that revolutionizes how easily tonal languages can be spoken even before actually learning them, by visually and physically associating all words with musical notes.

Language teaching and transcribing, works symbiotically with her facilitation in Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy, as a way to build trust, connection and transcend perceptions of difference. Tiff’s alter ego “ArtyCatalyste” reflects her passion for enabling others to experience the therapeutic capacity of all art forms, whether wordplay/poetry/writing, visual arts, movement/dance, drama or music, for well-being, self understanding, healing, and strength-building in resiliency.

“While all the other subjects basically just required me to repeat what the predecessors had said, I was drawn to the arts from an early age, by the infinite possibilities they offer to allow me to think and share my feelings as a human being.”

Tiff Chan 陳曉蕾/ ArtyCatalyste 從事藝術、語言研究、教學工作及創立 Chantoneasy。教授語言及語音記錄有助她利用多元表達藝術治療去助人建立信任和聯系,凌駕彼此直覺上的分歧。她最喜歡協助他人體驗各種藝術媒體的治療作用、 不論是字辭/詩詞/文章,視覺藝術、動作/舞蹈,話劇或音樂,均可令人愉悅,促進自我反省、康復及抗逆能力。她展開她的藝術生涯時是利用身體作基本媒體去做表演藝術、素描及錄像。


在 2015 年一個教朋友說廣東話的偶然機會,引發起Chantoneasy 「唱多易」的誕生。她把她在藝術,舞蹈和話劇的創意都放進這革命性的語音記錄系統,務求讓使用者甚至在未認識一種語言前都可把它不同的音調準確地記錄和覆述。

Contact here if you are interested in taking Chantoneasy classes or want to know more about Eco Cheung Chau and we will help connect you.

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